Friday, March 11, 2005


Miracles - by T.T. Braun

"If you have ever believed in miracles, now is the time to rekindle that belief. You are not alone in the world. In the world unseen, beyond the boundaries of mind, from Celestial Realms, benevolent powers work in deep stillness of men s souls to bless their lives. The experiences and testimonies of countless witnesses throughout ages attest to the reality of gracious Spirit-Beings working for the good of man.

Contrary to the belief of some, the heavens are not closed. Divine Revelations and Manifestations of Spirit are on-going, in this time, as in time past. How is it that some believe men s difficulties no longer elicit divine guidance on a personal basis? Those who believe this are not aware that they have experienced "Spirit" at work.

Benevolent powers beyond man work for the good of man and continue to edify all who earnestly seek their service. As long as there are men, and men in need, Spirit Beings from higher realms give according to wisdom. All you have to do is ask, and then, through the quiet way of Spirit, they answer, always to your edification and your highest good."

- page 24 - The Power In Thank You - by T.T.Braun

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