WindsMills of Cosmos:
SpiritWind 11 degrees ahead
"We have these blogs, and would encourage each and every one of you to begin spelling out your dreams. Write them, and then talk them out to another, and by so doing, bring the vibration of the speaking of such dreams into this reality so that it has to act on your intent. Magic these days has no choice but to go through the choices you are making in the moment. So take a step back if you are coming from reaction and fear. Stop and take stock so that balance within yourself is found so that you can make a considered choice best suited to you in this moment. "

St.Clair Blogs at RumorMillNews
It has occurred to me we are at same amount of daylight and night time now. If we care to look, we see that today, March 4th, Sagittarius Moon, everything at its appointed and pre-destined spot, and yet, level 11, eleven days or degrees ahead. Can't explain it, but there it is. It is not temporary, it has been so since last year. Earth ship on an 11 degree incline is the other explanation... have to be brief, now in inter-national star gazer retreat. March 4th plus 11 is my Idea of March. The galaxy of star dust is distributing Noesis for those who can catch the moment... let us give it 11 days to sink in. It is good news!
Here for my Nordic ETs: The Magi - by Maja Jurt
SpiritWind 11 degrees ahead
"We have these blogs, and would encourage each and every one of you to begin spelling out your dreams. Write them, and then talk them out to another, and by so doing, bring the vibration of the speaking of such dreams into this reality so that it has to act on your intent. Magic these days has no choice but to go through the choices you are making in the moment. So take a step back if you are coming from reaction and fear. Stop and take stock so that balance within yourself is found so that you can make a considered choice best suited to you in this moment. "

St.Clair Blogs at RumorMillNews
It has occurred to me we are at same amount of daylight and night time now. If we care to look, we see that today, March 4th, Sagittarius Moon, everything at its appointed and pre-destined spot, and yet, level 11, eleven days or degrees ahead. Can't explain it, but there it is. It is not temporary, it has been so since last year. Earth ship on an 11 degree incline is the other explanation... have to be brief, now in inter-national star gazer retreat. March 4th plus 11 is my Idea of March. The galaxy of star dust is distributing Noesis for those who can catch the moment... let us give it 11 days to sink in. It is good news!
Here for my Nordic ETs: The Magi - by Maja Jurt
To my human reader friends: UNSTOPPABLE - by E.R.
At RumormillNews: More Info Coming - by EarthStar
April 2005 Predictions & Productions
all for April Fool's PreView Ahead of 'TIME': spiritual materialism, sun-tzu, krishnamurti, stclair
clockworks-rotations windmills-of-cosmic-mines
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