Reader E.R. wrote to me from afar:
"I find with great interest that which you write and express, and your site is absolutely spot-on. After reading what you have written thus far, and continue to write, I now have developed an enthusiastic interest and respect for astrology as a true science. Never in a million years would I think this possible, but now I am living it!
Thank you for your words. Thank you for what I feel is your sticking out your neck and write as you do write, deliberate, and to the point with powerful intention.
In my visions I have seen the Band of Warriors of the Heart, clashing with the Bands of Warriors of the Dark, and what I see now is a gathering of the two behind their respective lines. The lies can not continue, the deception must end, and lies can not stand for eventually their foundations crumble causing all that was built around it, to collapse totally.
Change is unstoppable and that which is already charted in the seas of the seen and unseen universe, can not be denied nor stopped. In this country you see for the most part with great sadness, millions of automatons going to work day in and day out, and from experience how this causes the beautiful energy of spirit to almost as if deplete, but my relentless drive to see beyond the illusion is what fuels my journey across our lovely blue sphere.
That which stands now is gasping knowing that it ends, surely there will be great uncertainties, but the variables and the many unknowns are part of the adventure termed, humanity. The wars are coming. An easterly wind picks up speed. Turmoil. Pain, Gnashing of Teeth. And unprepared populace used to being herded. The sheeple will feel helpless.
Humanity has pumped tons of pollution into the Gaia Matrix of Nature. Her Blood and Veins are contaminated, the Planetary Spirit desires to Transcend. I saw One who descended from the mountaintop, and It's Mists carried into the Valley below. Woe to those in the valleys below, those who harpoon the whale, a being so magical whose voice mimics the Music of the Spheres. Woe to those who have abused the monkey, whose agony of screams has been heard as it is strapped to the electric chairs of experimentations.
Stewardship of the planet is not a blank check for abuse. Although the worldwideweb has been good, it amazes me now how hundreds of millions now hide in it, as if preferring to live in a cyber society, as oppsed to living, being, and exisiting in the beauty of the planet which in parts of, still remains.
I babbled on too long. Thank you for your work, thank you for your site. Fully assembled and manifesting our time is now and we can not be stopped."
All the best, E. R.
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