The Story Line

Pisces Times! The alignments and ingresses discussed in my detail horoscopes by month and by decan form the main aspects for now in 2005 and some of them last even well into 2006 and beyond, so that I see them as paramount during the coming 12-18 months, as I want to give you all a mundane-spiritual astrological fine outlook with good advice that reaches as far in time as possible. Today, with many planets in otherworldly Pisces, I feel we begin a better phase finally, and I wish this reflects also in your life.
A favorable change is on its way, I can smell it coming, and the discussion that follows is very valid during many months ahead into 2005, and some of it remains accurate even into 2006 / 2007, so study this carefully:
At this time we wish to make positive changes in our life that will lead to greater harmony, with more knowledge and experience. While the energy of this influence is not usually disruptive, it does make some of us really extremely impatient with the routine limitations under which we normally live. You will probably try to make changes in your immediate environment in order to deal with this impatience.
During the coming months, and years even, we will learn to acknowledge that which we can not fathom. Planetary positions will be so as to tune us into a much more evolved type of Cosmic consciousness. We will learn to cut through spiritual materialism and live fruitful lives without getting our ego too much involved in what it is we do and are.
It is also quite possible that the changes will occur more or less spontaneously, with almost no effort on your part. All that is needed now is to write down a precise list of what we wish to see manifested within a few months, by the end of 2005 when we will be in a very rare and rather tough alignment in the four fixed energy signs.
This influence can be mentally and spiritually very exciting. We are attracted to new ideas and foreign concepts that are challenging us all in a positive way. Not only are we more receptive to them now, but we can grasp them more easily than usual. Often under this influence we are able to solve difficult problems in your life because we can approach them from a fresh perspective. Some of us may develop an interest in science or other technical disciplines as we discover how we are a part of Cosmos.
Social reform - Jupiter in Libra - is another area that we might be attracted to as Uranus performs its hugely inspiring act on the world now, feeling that the old solutions are not adequate, we know the solutions will not come from the minds that created the 'situation' we are in. By the time Jupiter enters Scorpio by October, things will get serious, and decisions will have to be made.
Also, sudden opportunities may arise, such as a sudden financial gain or a sudden job promotion that will allow some of us to do much more than we have done before. This influence may also tempt some of us to take risky chances with finances by speculating or gambling, and this is something we have to look into cautiously after Mercury is direct in January 2005.
In a larger sense, it is difficult to say precisely what we can expect during this time because the nature of this influence is so unpredictable. But we can anticipate some occurrences that will materially and favorably alter our plans for the immediate future, and we can look forward to implementing positive change. The immediate future is - regardless of wars and earth changes - likely to have many more possibilities than are apparent now.
Mid March 2005 until mid February 2006 is what I deem the undercurrent that is also the overall signature of all of 2005, which creates an extremely significant influence in many ways for all our lives. It represents a time when we will achieve new kinds of self-expression and become more free really than we have ever been.
This is one of the most revolutionary periods in our life. Now, use it wisely and powerfully. At its most productive, this influence can clear away limitations that have made our life less meaningful and fruitful, whether they have been imposed by ourself or by others. Life can and will now be more real. But at its worst, this influence can signify a time of wild instability and chaos, when events seem to happen unpredictably and disruptively.
Whatever you feel about change in life, now you will be forced to break up old patterns and embark on a new course. Whether you complete this process depends largely upon whether your life has degenerated into a dull and safe routine. It also depends upon how much energy you put into resisting changes.
We will be attracted to anything new and exciting, as well as new techniques in our work and in personal development. You may become more interested in science and technology. Younger persons will experience this as a time of rebellion, particularly against authorities, such as parents, officials and employers. You will not be very patient with restrictions at this time.
However, this influence does not have to be uprooting and destructive. It is a call for us to examine our life and see what changes must be made to keep you from becoming too rigid. You may simply make tremendous changes in many aspects of your life so that you feel more free and more completely yourself.
That is what the Mars Uranus meeting mid May 2005 is about, to hand down enlightenment to Pisces merging masses via Uranus the internet frquency of who tunes into the message via law of attraction to the new. Jupiter-Uranus, and Neptune are making serendipitous alignments that urge us now to break out of the self-imposed prisons of experience.
There are undercurrents that counter this, kind of like a counter force inside the stream. The Counterforces are like vortices inside the main vortex, and eventually they flush out that which has to move on. This is a time of challenge and crisis, no way we can deny this.
Now quite often this crisis type climate manifests with 'situations' and 'circumstances' seemingly (but only seemingly) outside of our 'control' sphere, or the change within the crisis occurs in the form of persons who are working at cross-purposes to our own efforts. These people as you can imagine have their own Karma and situations of their own to deal with, and maybe they project their own shortcomings into your, my, our picture.
They may or may not oppose us or what we do intentionally, but the thrust of their actions forces us to prove that what we are doing is worthwhile and correct. End result as rude and Uranian as it sounds is we must clear them out. Diplomacy with Libra Jupiter takes on then a very creative form of conflict management, or living with the crisis so to speak.
We may be upset or somewhat angry at these people, feeling that they are motivated by nothing but malice. In fact their motives are the same as yours, which you must learn to understand. Challenges may also occur in connection with your efforts to build something up, to create a material structure or to get a project going.
Or the transformations may occur as a test of some new aspect of our more developed and stable personality that has recently come into being. This could be the ongoing DNA mutation that many are not aware of yet. Remember people are mere energy strings, and you can shield yourself from being pulled into the nefarious energies.
From now and until beginning of August 2005, when Saturn settles into Leo, is a time we want to enact the positive and long lasting changes in our life that will lead to greater fulfillment, to more precise knowledge and to valuable life experience. We become now our own teachers and students all in one. Saturn in Leo will be grand, I have no doubt, and we must rise to this occasion. Saturn was in Leo in 1975/76, and so that is where we are at now sort of, but with enhanced energy.
While the energy of this combined planetary influence - Jupiter trine Uranus and later then Saturn opposite Neptune - is not usually disruptive, it does make all of us at some level very edgy and a bit impatient with the routine tasks we have to perform, and we start to almost hate the worldly limitations under which we exist now. But as we know this will soon change.
We probably must implement immediate changes in our own close environment, working from within, in order to deal with this upsurge of 'let's get it done' type of impatience. It is also probable that the transformations occur in NOESIS type synchronicity, or more or less spontaneously, with little effort on our part. But we have to remain alert and awake to catch the changes forming, more alert than ever before. We need radar like awareness now to move on with inspired ideas, disciplined people in our teams, and with power emanating from within.
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2005-2006 Horoscope - Meet St.Clair
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