* St.Clair's 2005 Horoscope

2005 opens on an optimistic note, far seeing with Mercury, Venus, Mars & Pluto in star chaser sign Sagittarius, questing for truth, knowing right from wrong, with its ruler - wise sage Jupiter - in the sign of balance and peace, Libra. However, Uranus in Pisces gives Mars in Sag a shock treatment, and so, what seems at peace as the new President is ready to be sworn in, may not last the course of the term, Saturn being retro is a no-no. 2005 is the year of extremes, from proscription, to offerings, communion, meditation, new arts, & sciences, all the way down to new forms of domesticity.
Saturn spends half of 2005 in Cancer - testing concepts of nursing, nurturing, emotional safety, home, land, security, family, roots, shells, and the building of new abodes. When Jupiter & Saturn square off, as they do for a year, it is a challenge to find true peace -- the false peace being no longer what it was. Relationships between men & women undergo an intense test of wills around the total solar eclipse (10/3) in Libra, when black velvet Venus in Scorpio opposes stubborn retrograde Mars in Taurus in an all or nothing type ultimatum. Most definitely do not get married then!
Best is to keep the peace and come to an arrangement of amicable understanding, even if partnerships are at a Mexican stand-off, at opposite ends of the spectrum, with Venus wanting it all - and Mars keeping it all. The upside is the jovial placement of Jupiter in line of fixed star ISHTAR – or Spica, the hand of the Virgin - denoting honor and wisdom, in beneficial alignment to Pluto in Sagittarius under the fixed star of the Serpent Charmer: the world at a stand still can actually barter a peace deal through cross-cultural and philosophical understanding.
Saturn - by August in Leo, opposed by Neptune in Aquarius - will ask, "Who is the king and who is the country?" The people of the world will question authority. The later part of the year ends in an extremely rare grand cross alignment of fixed energy, fore-boding more conflict or dissension, and featuring fixed star A-Crux in The Southern Cross sending its wise energy to a tenacious Scorpio Jupiter in absolute control, which opposes Mars - backed into a corner known as fixed star Algol, or the head of the Medusa, or - (better even) - ’pile of dead corpses'. It does not look very good, to be sure. Iran will stand & fight back. Someone or something has to give by then, and it will not be Neptune - most faraway - merging spirituality in terms of "We are One"..
More Strategic Mundane Astrology here:

*St.Clair’s Leadership Meetings
2005 - Center for Cosmic Survival
St.Clair's meetings are private - attended by only a small number of participants at a time.
2005 - Center for Cosmic Survival
St.Clair's meetings are private - attended by only a small number of participants at a time.
Purpose of this functional leadership meeting - a series of symposium encounters - is to create a network of cooperation that can survive the coming Earth changes. The effort to translate economic success and modern investment banking into a stable process of growth – rather than follow the roller coaster ride of a doomed economic environment - requires a healthy and sustained insight into the forces moving society. This in turn creates a demand for accurate advance intelligence.
Company ethics and Greenpeace type integrity investments are not enough to ensure future success because a vast majority of humanity denies the truth based reality of the coming changes. During the symposium that will take place in 2005 – St.Clair and his remote viewing team will show the participants the understanding of those forces and how they are about to change the world. All this will then form the basis of the future knowledge needed to physically survive.
Company ethics and Greenpeace type integrity investments are not enough to ensure future success because a vast majority of humanity denies the truth based reality of the coming changes. During the symposium that will take place in 2005 – St.Clair and his remote viewing team will show the participants the understanding of those forces and how they are about to change the world. All this will then form the basis of the future knowledge needed to physically survive.
The major steps are awareness, knowing how to move resources, knowing how to meet a changing economy and how to correctly estimate the outcome. In this respect, St.Clair is teaching his clients that knowledge is its own action. Here are the high lights of the symposium in brief synopsis.
Life In A World Under Siege
Those interested in ecological businesses and integrity banking who are trying to ride the waves of the system must understand that the entire system is about to collapse. Many years of careful investment potentially could be lost overnight. In the light of this fact, a business investment carefully structured to create a better world, will be lost in the general economic and social turmoil. You may feel “safe” in the knowledge that your lifetime’s work is placed with intelligence into a system that badly needs restructuring. However, the hard fact approaching us in the years leading to 2007–2012, and beyond, is such that the economic social collapse will not discriminate between your resources and the resources of multi-national corporations.
In the future there are no businessmen and women, there are only “economic artists” and independently functioning entrepreneurs who co-operate in a network of pooled resources and integrity type venture capital. The future “business world” is the creative and innovative realm of economic architects and of innovators who can understand and work with the new template structuring society.
Economic ‘high priests’ and financial gurus will no longer supervise the organisation and structuring of societies’ resources because they will have been sent packing; instead the intelligent utilization of earth and of human resources is a matter of highly precise architectural planning and investment design. Michael St.Clair shows current & future development as he is an Economy Shaman seeing the way ahead.
The “Cosmic Architect” is a very ancient and powerful concept. The sacred geometry of economics has not yet found its way to the surface of the modern human mind. With a return to this shamans’ knowledge base, the science of economic management becomes the playground of the artist, the creator, and the initiator. To create and maintain social order, Cosmic Design must be initiated into the geography of the human landscape.
Ancient Beginnings
Energetic engineering is an inner configuration that on the earth would be described as health. The ancient systems of Yoga, and of the Healing Tao are perfect generators of energetic engineering. You have been led to believe, by this society, that health comes and goes by chance, that those who have energy are lucky, and those who do not have energy are unlucky – as though mysterious karmic forces are building or withdrawing the energetic life force of a human being. The ancients knew differently.
All of us living on this earth are ancient beginnings. Our souls are timeless and eternal Cosmic star navigators, the stars are the reflected diamonds of the soul. Unrestricted by time, we are time travellers. Einstein is the shaman murdered during the occupation of Native America, as he is the woman begging in the streets of Calcutta, as we all are. Today’s European is tomorrow’s Iraqi. Who we are in any one incarnation creates who we are to be in the future. That is the definition of health.
If you imagine a highly advanced being who is you to be many lives from now looking compassionately back at who you are now, what guidance would you give yourself from the future? More importantly, if you would listen to that guidance, how would your life change? The ancient systems used in China and India were a Cosmic science designed to connect the user to the wisdom of the stars and beyond. You are the energy of the stars brought to earth. Energetic engineering is the conscious involvement and fine tuning of who you are across time and space.
This is how the Star Beings define Health
Ancient Beginnings
Energetic engineering is an inner configuration that on the earth would be described as health. The ancient systems of Yoga, and of the Healing Tao are perfect generators of energetic engineering. You have been led to believe, by this society, that health comes and goes by chance, that those who have energy are lucky, and those who do not have energy are unlucky – as though mysterious karmic forces are building or withdrawing the energetic life force of a human being. The ancients knew differently.
All of us living on this earth are ancient beginnings. Our souls are timeless and eternal Cosmic star navigators, the stars are the reflected diamonds of the soul. Unrestricted by time, we are time travellers. Einstein is the shaman murdered during the occupation of Native America, as he is the woman begging in the streets of Calcutta, as we all are. Today’s European is tomorrow’s Iraqi. Who we are in any one incarnation creates who we are to be in the future. That is the definition of health.
If you imagine a highly advanced being who is you to be many lives from now looking compassionately back at who you are now, what guidance would you give yourself from the future? More importantly, if you would listen to that guidance, how would your life change? The ancient systems used in China and India were a Cosmic science designed to connect the user to the wisdom of the stars and beyond. You are the energy of the stars brought to earth. Energetic engineering is the conscious involvement and fine tuning of who you are across time and space.
This is how the Star Beings define Health
Physical Survival
In the future we have to start thinking about how we will survive in the most essential, basic and down to earth physical ways. The seminar will devote a day on the topics of structuring the logistics of a home, the resources of your shelter, the growing, and storing of safe food, the back-up of power, energy, and of clean water. The knowledge of experts from Findhorn – in Scotland – presenting the living machine with alternative energy and water treatment resources will be shown.
In the future we have to start thinking about how we will survive in the most essential, basic and down to earth physical ways. The seminar will devote a day on the topics of structuring the logistics of a home, the resources of your shelter, the growing, and storing of safe food, the back-up of power, energy, and of clean water. The knowledge of experts from Findhorn – in Scotland – presenting the living machine with alternative energy and water treatment resources will be shown.
You will experience a key expose with practical exercises on subjects related to human safety and community security, as the future will see roving gangs roaming the waste landscapes scavenging for resources. To this effect, St.Clair’s Center for Cosmic Survival is connecting now already with Swiss defence experts on issues pertaining to strategy and protection. One expert will be on hand to describe the revolutionary design of a “safe” environment for the future. Transiting through the Cosmic changes of the next decade will potentially entail long temporary power outages and the erosion of coastal communities, the collapse of inner cities, their infrastructure, and of entire regions of once inhabited areas. You are therefore shown the geographic places on maps deemed to be safe during and after the coming changes. We present new and peaceful technologies to be used in order to survive independently and to make a functional transition away from the obsolete system society.
Communication from the Future
The internet and the world wide web will experience a shift toward an omni net where wisdom and brand new computer languages will be introduced. You will learn how to set up secure servers and how to communicate via a new language, to keep developing your business or your creative skills in times of transition, and you will be introduced to the basics of telepathy, as the future must connect with a Cosmic Guidance to see the functional outcome well ahead of time.
Dynamics of spiritual survival will include the ability to develop clairvoyance in order to see the correct future. You must acquire the capacity and the skills of communicating the signs of warning, and use the ability to bring help to your friends and associates in times of turmoil. You will find out how to be a functional community leader on whom an entire neighbourhood can depend for counsel. A shaman attending the leadership seminar will teach you how to communicate with nature and how to read the silent language of trees, rocks, and bodies of living water. You become an apprentice shaman, having burned away your shadow side. Life in the years between 2007 and 2017 will develop along the lines of entirely new concepts of innovation and of creativity. Only the skills of adaptation and of inventiveness will help resourceful leaders of the future to take charge and to restructure a meaningful existence.
You will learn how to connect to the Guidance. The magi vision explored in his Passage11 Vision will be taught in practical detail to enable you to see beyond change and to commit to right action now. We are inviting the beings to attend...
Booking & Information
The 2005 Symposium series is based in Switzerland. Meetings take place upon appointment only, and last between one and three days.
You receive an autographed copy of St.Clair’s private book edition, which will contain the confidential information he will share exclusively at the seminar.
Topics shown at St.Clair’s Leadership Meetings will include – but are not limited to – dynamics of physical and spiritual survival, preparation of safe food, shelter, and energy resources, design of communication methods, clairvoyance, the connection to Cosmic Guidance, mundane astrology, earth changes, energetic engineering, personal security, community design, as well as shamanic healing and alternative medicine. Remote viewing sessions will be available only to those who are interested.
Participants will receive a written, personal astrological evaluation with a one-year outlook, upon arrival at the meeting.
Communication from the Future
The internet and the world wide web will experience a shift toward an omni net where wisdom and brand new computer languages will be introduced. You will learn how to set up secure servers and how to communicate via a new language, to keep developing your business or your creative skills in times of transition, and you will be introduced to the basics of telepathy, as the future must connect with a Cosmic Guidance to see the functional outcome well ahead of time.
Dynamics of spiritual survival will include the ability to develop clairvoyance in order to see the correct future. You must acquire the capacity and the skills of communicating the signs of warning, and use the ability to bring help to your friends and associates in times of turmoil. You will find out how to be a functional community leader on whom an entire neighbourhood can depend for counsel. A shaman attending the leadership seminar will teach you how to communicate with nature and how to read the silent language of trees, rocks, and bodies of living water. You become an apprentice shaman, having burned away your shadow side. Life in the years between 2007 and 2017 will develop along the lines of entirely new concepts of innovation and of creativity. Only the skills of adaptation and of inventiveness will help resourceful leaders of the future to take charge and to restructure a meaningful existence.
You will learn how to connect to the Guidance. The magi vision explored in his Passage11 Vision will be taught in practical detail to enable you to see beyond change and to commit to right action now. We are inviting the beings to attend...
Booking & Information
The 2005 Symposium series is based in Switzerland. Meetings take place upon appointment only, and last between one and three days.
You receive an autographed copy of St.Clair’s private book edition, which will contain the confidential information he will share exclusively at the seminar.
Topics shown at St.Clair’s Leadership Meetings will include – but are not limited to – dynamics of physical and spiritual survival, preparation of safe food, shelter, and energy resources, design of communication methods, clairvoyance, the connection to Cosmic Guidance, mundane astrology, earth changes, energetic engineering, personal security, community design, as well as shamanic healing and alternative medicine. Remote viewing sessions will be available only to those who are interested.
Participants will receive a written, personal astrological evaluation with a one-year outlook, upon arrival at the meeting.
bookings. e-mail me:
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