The Zen of Knowing -
Seeing its Future:
Essay by St.Clair

My view: Montreux Switzerland - Lac Léman aka Lake Geneva. The moment - Summer 2005 - is demonstrating both high levels of clarity and scientific breakthroughs as well as the apex of complete confusion in the mind of man; and it shows in the reports sent around the world, mirrored in the two months long lasting alignment transition of Mercury-Neptune, which I am tracking since July was under way and London "777" happened. The thunder- and hailstorms are majestic, to say the least. Every night a new light show. At times a space ship says hello, Venus and Jupiter come out to play, and the stars join to show the way...
Out of this zone of time, and from this nebulous passage of seemingly fast-paced events in our world - moving towards 2006 - arises an amazing degree of transparency - clarity coupled to a sense of serenity. Some people are indeed starting to see clear, and to discern the trend. They ask the right questions now about this "dimensional shift" aka "Ascension", and what is it about?
What is essential at this time is to be able to distinguish in the first place what matters from what will soon be totally irrelevant. The criteria by which to discern this is precisely very simple: Does the issue under consideration and the way it is presented to you lead to more confusion or to more clarity? Does it instill fear and doubt, or does it help you to empower yourself?
My clients and I have been observing what I just stated across the board - from the most mundane politics and economy issues via media manipulations to the highest levels of both science and spiritual subjects. Some seekers have by now acquired the inner means of distinction and discernment, and some are on their way to getting there, as worldwide motivation has set in...
Scientists are finding their ways via either logic or meta-physical approaches such as astro-physics and astrology into the understanding of truth. They are now able to begin explaining the "building blocks" of our new cosmology - from the Electric Universe (Talbott/Thunderbolt) to the Vortex Theory (Russell Moon) -- and they will show the way scientifically to the origin of man.
Conversely I witness mystics who are starting to be able to communicate the core of their teachings in such simple ways that ordinary people can actually apply them into their lives. I see human beings from all walks of life concerning themselves with learning about what matters. People are more and more aware that change is happening and that they want to know what it is about.
Î sense a trend I had wished for: the manipulators and dominators are losing ground. The Aquarian group is slowly but surely transforming its mindset. Here and there the first radical changes can be observed, quietly but powerfully. Tens of thousands of people have joined in Zurich Switzerland just to salute the Dalai Lama. They do not worship him, they just recognize and honor him for who he is, and for what he represents.
There is reason to be powerfully and profoundly upbeat and confident that we will turn the tide. We are now moving away from the nebulous and Neptunian fairy tales of misunderstood mysticism and so-called religions to a more full comprehension of why we are here to begin with. In a short period of time we will see where we are headed to, and we will then also know what of these predictions we had discussed in the past would be true, pre-destined or of free will, but probably valid nonetheless.
We are seeing a powerful change from within at work. What Krishnamurti had defined as "The Ending of Time" or "Freedom From The Known" is indeed transpiring. What TheMythSmith at calls "The All-Human Planetary Mind" -- -- is at work. Noesis has been recognized by some as real and workable. It may soon be a science in its own right.
What I have termed in my Internet books "Star Magic" is afoot, as advanced astrology, the hidden science of signs, and seeing the future via the Zen of knowing is re-emerging. The coordination of "free agents" has manifested without manipulation nor control. It has simply happened and is further evolving. What began as a few scatterd small springs in a crystal clear cave in high mountains has found its way to some little rivers, and more such small rivers are merging to create large streams of consciousness. The flow is in flow, progressively enhancing, and it is finding its own direction.
The Zen of Knowing is its own right action.
From all walks of life and from all social, cultural and age groupings, people are saying "lets go for it..." What seer EarthStar had written long ago about "Finding Nirvana" is going on: Human Beings are arriving at the door of their own enlightenment, and they are able to see the mirror of the soul, and with it their place in the big picture. The "I-Magi-Nation" I had talked about is being put to good use for the good of mankind, as Chiron is moving gradually from Capricorn to Aquarius. It will take until 2010 until it meets Neptune...
The "special ones" - some of the kids with the Neptune-Uranus conjunction in Capricorn at birth - are taking over by asking the right questions. Leadership crystallizes here and there of its own accord. Direct knowledge is applied into functional wisdom. The discernment is taking place in small cells - and unasked for. Over time the rocks who will stand in the tumultuous oceans are emerging from the sea of pebbles that will be rushed around by the vortex of history in the making.
The surface or superficial events are actually lagging for the first time behind the change in ideas, language and concepts. It used to be so that big events heralded some small midset changes. Now it is the inner transformation that will give shape to the events. Some of us have actualized their visions already. It is only by making our vision reality that the empowerment will take place. To have the power we have to enact the vision. Without the vision, however, we will not empower ourself.
We have understood that we are not fighting an enemy, but that we have left him/them way behind, what we have ahead of us is the task to give form to our world. Let the deluge of history take care of their world, it is none of our business.
What is happening in the world now during the build up of the fixed grand cross alignment points to the expected breakthrough towards truth, self-knowing, and recognizing our real history and our potential future. There will be moments of even higher level clarity taking place, while the fog of confusion will at times lift, and then again descend.
Thes ebbs and flows of clarity and confusion are part of passage. The passage is far from over, but we are witnessing more openness, and we are realizing a distinct willingness to proceed towards total disclosure, and away from secrecy. We are even seeing the beginnings of cooperation at work.
The Neptune-Mercury alignment of Summer 2005 points towards a similar alignment of Summer 2006, when Saturn will take the position of Mercury. At that point I see the new reality manifesting. What will have been understood this year at a mind level will be tested to the core in physical reality next year. The study of reality begins now in earnest. There remains one more step until we bridge from this to the other world: Contact via inner guidance to our invisible friends who had been waiting for us...
The threads below point to a series of a few highlights selected to show the issues and matching astrological alignments at work, from which we can demonstrate with certainty that some clarity emerges from the confusion surroudning us. Yes there is still much too much confusion and disorder all around. Clarity is still a rare commodity to find.
ReMember that our choice is this: Will we focus on the drama and insanity around us and outside, or will we focus within to re-discover and use our power? Once we have that level of clarity, and once we have decided which we prefer, then we are on our way...
*;read=76161 <== look at this number ;-)
Peace Michael St.Clair
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