Cropcircle Image Steve Alexander Copyright 2005
We are entering into a highly unusual Scorpio moon phase now. This moon will make some challenging and interesting aspects to Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, and to our SUN. It will start to highlight the fixed "Grand Cross" of the year end.
This is a good and grand time. A special time. The rectangle with Neptune in Aquarius and Jupiter on the Libra South Node, which point happens to be the North Node of 6.6.1996 and of myself on 2.28.1959. Time is now its own wayshower. This essay was posted here and at RMN simultaneously to give better access to links. Now, at this time we can seriously start to think about how we will -- as a group of human beings -- bring about change. How will mankind take the leap I describe in my book? The short answer is no one will do it for us, but we ourselves will do it, together and yet each one on his and her own.
People are asking questions. They wish to move through the passage and cross into the new zone. Some readers and friends, and clients, ask me: Well will there not be a savior, a messiah, a new teacher, or prophet, or guru, or a group of nice extra-terrestrials, anything anyone that will help and lead or steer us?
What do you think? My answer in short is again: No, no one is expected to do this and take a "lead", or "teach" us; for we will do this. We can translate hints to each other by reading the signs, by looking at the stars and planets, by listening within, by sharing, comparing notes, by studying reality, and by moving on...
TheMythSmith (TMS) has shown how language has already started the change, and I have said that we are "The Awareness". I am at times to signal via planet alignments what could be up next. In essence the stakes are so high now, that there is something else at work, something I am only just beginning to figure out by myself. I am getting "used" to it.
There is what I call a "guidance." I use this word because I have not yet found a better term. TMS suggested - and I like it a lot - "The All-Human Planetary Mind". He said to me that we could call it "VOLITIONAL NOESIS". He explains this in his words better than I can. I just say it is written in the stars and in our DNA, but I dont even know what that means. English is my 3rd language, after French and German. So I am to find a better language beyond the mind.
Mostly this guidance I am talking about resides in ourselves. Some good people call it "God", and that is fine with me too. We can activate it by simply wanting it to be active. We just say: Guidance Activate Now! By doing this we signal to ourselves to live in the moment and then we actually observe the observer and the observed.
Without going too deeply into what I feel the guidance is connected into, or what it is about, I can state that we are to take the leap as a whole group, and yet in single file. Each one on his and her own, yet as a group, will be guided. No one has to show "leadership" in this. It is neither needed nor wanted. Leaders create followers who create leaders. We have seen and done this over tens of thousands of years. We have realized this does NOT work. It creates and mirrors CONFLICT.
The star children are us.
The Aquarian time indicates that the whole soul group, guided by an invisible realm, comes "together" and does the transformation -- "together". Is how I see this, and I am apologetic not to be able to word it better, yet I trust you somehow know what I mean to say. When I say we, the group of souls, I mean, and this may now come as a surprise, ALL BEINGS in Cosmos, yes, I address myself for a first time openly also to all ETs who are always looking at what we do and think and say. I want them to acknowledge that we are "thinking together" and cooperating with the planets, stars and galaxies.
My guidance has shown me: We are in this together, all beings must move together and do the right thing. No hierarchy will "manage" it. There are many forces of good at work to bring about the transformation Krishnamurti -- the man from the future -- talked about for almost 50 years or more during the last Century. Well, the forces of change are multi-dimensional. They include human beings, Cosmic beings, ET beings, and more, even animals, plants, earth itself, all planets, everything that is a "being", that has light encoded into itself.
We must act I trust like the unified field to leap forward and through the upcoming changes. No elite of any kind will play "steering committee" for this exercise. This is a collective endeavour of a kind that I trust has never been witnessed before. This is big time stuff. Team work of the Cosmic kind. We will win this. We are already winning this at many levels, to complex to explain in a short post.
I know many great human beings and good hearts allover this planet are working for the change. Many are using a form of guidance that means well and shows us the way. But we are the ones to walk on the way. No galactic or other federation will do this. No "order" of any kind will create "order" here. What EarthStar called "Finding Nirvana" is up to each of us to achieve, and we will manifest it. I trust Colonel Collins at NASA reads this too and smiles ;-)
She has Mars in Pisces, she would know whereof I am writing here. As far as I am concerned, she can now be promoted to become the 12th CEO of the new NASA... let us move on now as a team of beings... closer to the stars...
CLOSER TO THE STARS - The Essay resumes below:
Simultan -- this today from ESA:
Closer to the stars... How? There are different kinds of "astrologies". This subject is so complex, it can not even be summarized in a post. Suffice it to say that this planet, EARTH, and other planets, have at times gone through what we call "catastrophies" or upheavals. No point in knowing in detail how, or why, or even when. It happened. For some reason, and I do not know the reason, the key knowledge that survived throughout all of time, all ages, and all spaces of Cosmos, was about how to NAVIGATE.
To navigate from anywhere to anywhere you need actually not even to know anything about "time", since I feel or know time as such as we know it here does not exist. What exists is "MOTION", and what exists also is "space", and the forces that move the "whole thing" about and around. One could say that is "CREATION", self-organinzing, and in a way un-predictable and not easily grasped even by mathematical knowing.
Cosmos is in a way as chaotic and creative as Human Beings are. Creation is ultimately and most probably akin to HUMAN. What do you think came first? Space or Creation? Or... Space is some vast thing, and I am certain our astronauts know this from first hand experience. They are now starting to learn much more advanced and even more relevant things, but of this we "chat" later a bit...
Some form of ALL-KNOWING Awareness was built in by Creation so as to situate all beings in the all that is. For me, the stars are this "guiding map". But what we today know as "astrology" is actually a fake. The knowing of the real star constellations has been morphed over the ages. So many times was it changed, that no one I know of can really say how it was supposed to be. It led me to to assume is was meant to be so. One would think therefore we are "lost" in space; well, the good news is we are not lost. Not at ALL. We know exactly where we are at in the "big scheme of things". Why we know this I do also not know, but I would assume that the "silent navigator" is built into each BEING that inhabits Cosmos.
The other day, TheMythSmith and I were pondering how come we feel it is now time to announce "DISCLOSURE of DISCOVERY" -- and how can we go about doing this intelligently. He suggested I work with the intelligent universe. Part of the solution is that one will discover a new language to communicate where we are at, where we came from and where we are headed to. One could imagine that this language is actually very "old", as in "timeless".
Now it gets dense: Somewhere inside some star constellation resides a form of consciousness, some sort of navigational "toolage" that forms and fuels its own knowledge - which I nicknamed "The Zen of Knowing Seeing its Future". The Future is simply put the PLACE we are headed to. We have to keep that place in mind, the aim, the goal, and it is said that mankind re-Members this Future. Ed Mitchell the astronaut told me that we will not DIS-COVER the future. We will create it. I have the feeling we can only create that which is INSIDE of us...
At some stage we are going to explore this further, and then we will together see what it is about. As Cosmic beings and star children we are not to "worship God" so much as we are to be "it" and move on. We are supposed to manifest that for which God created us. Namely CREATE...
Either we are or we are not made in "His" Image. In order to help us on our way to achieve this aim -- to CREATE -- God among other things created stars and planets into which God encoded the "Cosmology" or the "History of the Origin of ALL that is" -- and you know it is very funny, because the word for "Cosmos" or "Space" in German is: Das "ALL". The ALL. Once we figure out that we are the origin, we are on our way to becoming what we were meant to be. ALL. Cosmos. Yes us - that is what we are.
We are not separated from it. Yes we were once separated from it, but we have to figure out now how we integrate back into "it". That is what the coming transformation and "changes" are about. It is the challenge ahead, or the passage to peace...
The knowledge about all this was guarded by itself. And it will always guard itself. It was and is designed to protect itself, for truth is its own protection. No "order" or organisation and no "hierarchy" can grab and hide it. A hierarchy can pretend and purport it knows about it, but the truth is that it is a big fat joke on the manipulators and dominators. They are about to find out that the joke was indeed on them.
The rest, the pretty pictures in the sky - and the myths and legends about them - are just a form of self-help tool, ONE that I have come to like as I grew up with it. It is like an eternal map, so we do not lose track of what we are about and where we are at.
In my Atlantis Oracle I have termed it "The Compass of Life" and it is structured around the 360 degrees of what we know as the "Zodiac". The knowledge not only guards itself, it morphs constantly so as to evolve by itself. God will not let "Beings" that like conflict take over the Star Knowledge. God will let them have conflict if that is what they prefer, but the knowledge has its built-in defense and evolution system. I trust NASA and human beings to figure it out, and wish happy transformation... to all of us.