Thursday, June 23, 2005

Shamanic Solstice Signs

Series of Shamanic Signs -
- on a Summer Solstice Full Moon...

Every 18 and a half years you will have the full moon on Solstice. That is a certain astronomical rarity following the Sabian Cycle. No issue with that... and so, I was awaiting to see if my shamans predictions would come about. They had told me "Watch the signs now!"
Cosmos delivered many signs in one day in an absolutely stellar series of unrelated events, each sign odder and odder in its own right. Briefly, on 6/22 - which lies in an odd series of 311 days of major world events - we had a mysterious power outage (never ever seen before) stranding the entire Swiss train network in the heartland of Europe - on the same day and hours after UK Blair announced his intended take-over of the New World Order "ONE" Europe. Meanwhile in Texas the earth split, leaving a huge gap near the oil fields. Talk of a rift.
Meanwhile somewhere over Afghanistan, Iran and United Arab Emirates, an otherwise super safe new "U2" plane crashed, killing its only very well trained pilot. Someone in Tel-Aviv or London wants to suggest the Iranians did it? Just wait until we get another dodgy dossier or Downing Street Memo on this incident.
Meanwhile alien ideology Scientology poster boy Tom Cruise announces his dark movie "War Of The Worlds" as well as his engagement to lawyer daughter Katie Holmes. Note also that his fiancée Katie Holmes was missing for about two weeks, the time it takes to mind control a new Scientology "recruit" from human being into regressive and emotionless zombie. You will see soon how that story will end up. Stay tuned to see if she really digs it...
Well, the Solstice Full Moon in the Sabian degree of the Tribal Leader has certainly delivered a highly improbable collection of "signs" ot the times ahead. Now as to the interpretation... let us say there will be more signs, making all this clearer to all of us.
As to the proverbial "on-time" Swiss trains that got shorted in a short cicruit lasting four hours? I salute my ET friends for delivering the messages loud and clear. We are no longer masters of this world. Maybe we never were to begin with... But I knew all this when I came here on to this planet in February 1959 for the visit... and this has so far been an interesting trip down here on our pale blue dot.
Peace -
M StC.

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