Elves Answer
From Within The Silent World
by St.Clair & The Guidance

"MIRRORING THE STARS" - (click light picture) - the exclusive interview for The Remote Viewer - gained a great deal of attention during the Pisces Full Moon of September 2006.
Readers asked certain questions. This short "essay" is in answer to some of these considerations, and points out a few things I could have added in the interview but felt would be better placed separately -- as we are now engaged on the Guided Path of Light.
Readers asked certain questions. This short "essay" is in answer to some of these considerations, and points out a few things I could have added in the interview but felt would be better placed separately -- as we are now engaged on the Guided Path of Light.
For thousands of years the Elves tried to heal human beings. It didn't work! Those were the pre historical times in terms of records. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote of it extensively. His writings (The Lord of The Rings and many others) are not fiction, in my opinion, as they perfectly describe the parallel reality. The vibrations of the ancient world remains "written" in the stones and in the out-of-place artifacts pointing to the extra-terrestrial origin of mankind.
I remember those early times in dreams and visions. We couldn't heal humans, because humans did not want to be healed, humans wanted to do what they want. So, the Elves left. It is bad news for mankind as we approach the crossing of the dimensions, which is something I address in Zen of Stars.
Before recoded history the Elven world -- also known as "The Shining Ones" -- tried to heal humans. Spiritual forces (the Guidance network described in the book) set up encounters, to teach people. There are certain Sacred Geometric laws to creation, and there are people do not want to apply those laws. They actively break the rules of creation so that they can control the earth. Over time these people become corrupt, which means their energy fragments. This happens, because they break sacred geometric rules that are basic to all of life.
Corrupt - in Elven terminology - means: You do wrong - knowing it is wrong. The Elves see in the energy field those who are breaking the rules. However, they just watch from afar. They see how breaking the rules disrupts the lives of people. It is a form of self-destruction that spans the ages. The teachings given to mankind is that we can change all that overnight through 'right action.'
In the otherworld councils there were those of us who would let the humans phase out. In dreams I saw the worst happening, and I saw the effect it would have on the planet. We worked with the other members of the council, and they wanted to give the humans a chance... and the planet is suffering. The next years 2006/2007 and beyond is a test of sorts to see how many are prepared to change, as the consciousness shifts into the psychic mind of Cosmos.
The Celts are associated with the ancient Nordics because of the way we work. The knowledge is in the stones, and we wrote nothing down. There was applied inner knowing, and that knowing was shared by the community.
If the future the children of the earth live in harmony with natures laws, and they will be able to read the message in the stones - and survive. Future humans, who are not the children of the earth and do not live by natures laws, will not be able to read the silent stones (and survive).
This is the way of Cosmos and of nature... It's more honest. More real. Because the Celts and ancients did not want idiots ruling and destroying the planet they withdrew their knowledge from the earth. The other members of the council, who are more esoteric/liberal types wanted to give humans 'a chance', help them along, enlighten them.
Therefore you have seen on the earth over the years the teachings of the esoteric/liberals from the council on earth. One could summarize these teachings under the label of "New Age" and they see now it has not worked. The Age of Aquarius is NOT an age of laisser-faire and feel good teachings. The Age of Aquarius is the age of knowing. It is no-nonsense, applied, hard work and for finding real solutions.
This is what I address in Zen of Stars
I remember those early times in dreams and visions. We couldn't heal humans, because humans did not want to be healed, humans wanted to do what they want. So, the Elves left. It is bad news for mankind as we approach the crossing of the dimensions, which is something I address in Zen of Stars.
Before recoded history the Elven world -- also known as "The Shining Ones" -- tried to heal humans. Spiritual forces (the Guidance network described in the book) set up encounters, to teach people. There are certain Sacred Geometric laws to creation, and there are people do not want to apply those laws. They actively break the rules of creation so that they can control the earth. Over time these people become corrupt, which means their energy fragments. This happens, because they break sacred geometric rules that are basic to all of life.
Corrupt - in Elven terminology - means: You do wrong - knowing it is wrong. The Elves see in the energy field those who are breaking the rules. However, they just watch from afar. They see how breaking the rules disrupts the lives of people. It is a form of self-destruction that spans the ages. The teachings given to mankind is that we can change all that overnight through 'right action.'
In the otherworld councils there were those of us who would let the humans phase out. In dreams I saw the worst happening, and I saw the effect it would have on the planet. We worked with the other members of the council, and they wanted to give the humans a chance... and the planet is suffering. The next years 2006/2007 and beyond is a test of sorts to see how many are prepared to change, as the consciousness shifts into the psychic mind of Cosmos.
The Celts are associated with the ancient Nordics because of the way we work. The knowledge is in the stones, and we wrote nothing down. There was applied inner knowing, and that knowing was shared by the community.
If the future the children of the earth live in harmony with natures laws, and they will be able to read the message in the stones - and survive. Future humans, who are not the children of the earth and do not live by natures laws, will not be able to read the silent stones (and survive).
This is the way of Cosmos and of nature... It's more honest. More real. Because the Celts and ancients did not want idiots ruling and destroying the planet they withdrew their knowledge from the earth. The other members of the council, who are more esoteric/liberal types wanted to give humans 'a chance', help them along, enlighten them.
Therefore you have seen on the earth over the years the teachings of the esoteric/liberals from the council on earth. One could summarize these teachings under the label of "New Age" and they see now it has not worked. The Age of Aquarius is NOT an age of laisser-faire and feel good teachings. The Age of Aquarius is the age of knowing. It is no-nonsense, applied, hard work and for finding real solutions.
This is what I address in Zen of Stars
- the book about the futures of planet Earth.
What we are witnessing now is a hidden war, a secret war, a deceptive war against man. At the same time, on higher levels, the consciousness of man is changing. The psyche is changing. We humans are coming into a new vibrational field, because the earth itself is entering that field. So, the way we have lived until now will come to an end whether we are ready or not, because it is the natural way of things. For humans to be able to deal with this change, they will have to turn away from service-to-self type materialism and apply themselves to intelligent cooperation. Those who break the rules of cosmos will break themselves. The rest of us will change.
Be well and watch out as you begin to walk on this guided path of light!
Peace -
Click on StarChild & visit my space-time portal!

What we are witnessing now is a hidden war, a secret war, a deceptive war against man. At the same time, on higher levels, the consciousness of man is changing. The psyche is changing. We humans are coming into a new vibrational field, because the earth itself is entering that field. So, the way we have lived until now will come to an end whether we are ready or not, because it is the natural way of things. For humans to be able to deal with this change, they will have to turn away from service-to-self type materialism and apply themselves to intelligent cooperation. Those who break the rules of cosmos will break themselves. The rest of us will change.
Be well and watch out as you begin to walk on this guided path of light!
Peace -
Click on StarChild & visit my space-time portal!