T.A.P.: Well maybe i have had a past life in Persia. When i had that break with reality... to get me back into reality i guess, I remember looking out a large window at some buildings that took on a "Persian look" of architecture... and at the same exact time - I had "thoughts" of 'Pluto'... Can I take this moment to ask you a question that is applicable to a personal experience of mine? In your book, you express that the invisible realms exist, and you even encourage the reader to enter.
The strangest things occurred in my life the summer after I graduated from High School. I took a year, actuallly two, off before I entered college. During that first summer off, I took it upon myself to really do some inner searching. I spent a few mornings; at sunrise, literally upon the roof of my home; praying to 'Creator God' and being in tune, also; simultaneously, with our greatest source of physical light. This had a true transforming effect upon me. Within the cycle of a month, complete and profound changes occurred in my life. Maybe I'll write a book about this-- I want to tell you a little of it now, because it fits into what I just stated.
Well, to be brief, I'll just tell you that during that month I was visited one time, during a "realistic night dream," by an angelic-like light being. He was a benevolent, silent, being, and to my knowledge was 'there' to simply 'warn me' about a future event that did occur in my life no more than two weeks later.
So, is this a part of the invisible realm you speak of? Also, within that month I just spoke of, I literally became a part of another dimension. At one point, I was with my mother and oldest sister in an indoor shopping mall and although I was speaking with them -- I was not 'with' them... My body was still there; walking with them, but, my mind was definitely in another realm. I was "seeing" everything there at the mall differently; as if I was in another time zone far in the future! I would love to tell you what I saw-- it was very interesting! So, again, is 'this' what you are referring to when you explain this invisible world?
St.Clair: Yes, you describe windows of timelessness, or what I call time portals. People call them "mirages", but they are very real, and in this invisible world which is filled with beings of Light we see through the dimensions. Some of them are like what people call angels, and some have no distinguishable form at all, just luminescent blue humanoid looking like, with no real faces, just free flowing forms of light, in my case usually quite tall, and almost just made of pure energy. One can certainly feel them like in an otherness type world, and they can somehow connect into us via thought, and in that other or invisible world, a dialogue begins in which guidance for the human being takes place.
In that parallel realm they exist in they can at times show you their perspective, which can be ours when we want it to be. Sometimes they appear when all is still, sometimes they can be there in times of great crisis, there is no pattern to this really. They can help close 4th dimensional holes, and they can also help access higher realms. This might depend on what the contact is designed for. Maybe it depends on the state of thought we are in. I can imagine they observe us constantly and they see our thoughts.
This is indeed the invisible world I am talking about -- and it is around and with us constantly, day and night. When we are in a higher or more alert aware state, which is the state we should try be in all the time, as difficult as this is, then we can in theory be all the time in contact with it, all it takes, and that is a lot, is uninterrupted attention and focus. Yes you should write your book about it when you have reconnected from that point of stillness with that other reality which is just as real as ours if not more real, because it is permanently there and timeless.
This guidance cannot talk to us in form of "time" as it usually speaks to us from a timeless state, but i imagine it does see us here trying to do the right things and on and off it will nudge us in the right direction, which often might not be the direction we had "thought" of. It is a thoughtless realm in the invisible world, it is actually more a world of direct action.
The invisible world can for instance heal when you ask it via your thought to do that. This can only happen in total stillness, either when you see beyond your aura, or you feel the presence, the force of the beings making access. Or it happens as you say in nature, when in contact with the sun. The Light, or the stars at night. But there needs to be both inner and outer stillness for it to take place. All conflict has to stop for it to happen.
The beings usually can fill a room at night with bright blue light. And usually these beings can act almost like body guards, but it requires a great deal of attention from the human being in touch with them. At times this level of attention can be almost exhausting, then they will work with you while you are asleep, or in your dreams. They can leave behind signs. Small things. Like stop a watch, or change a dial on a cell phone or move around an object, things like that. But mainly you will know their presence by the shift in your awareness and thought structure.
It is when thought stops and we are in their awareness level that you will meet the beings most often. This will be more visibly the case in the coming years I would imagine, that is why they prepare us for this contact now. So, what is it you saw when you were in that other dimension? You said you saw a future time, funny now I am asking the questions.
T.A.P.: Like I said, I was in a 'different' state of mind; It was definitely unlike the present day reality of that time. The people in the mall shopping... well, first of all, the 'crowd' was much less in size than normal, or than it probably really was at that real time. The people looked primarily as they do today, or did in 1980, although I'd have to say, they all seemed "young" and all fairly or very "attractive" looking. Okay, not unlike an "O.C. crowd" today, I know... but let me finish... Today, we see a lot of 'unsual' forms of expression in our modes of dress; you know, complete with tatoos and body/facial piercings. Tribal looks.
Well, of course this was 1980..... but with having a little of a fashion background myself, (well I have a B.S. in fashion from California Polytechnic University), I can now recall that "fashions" were a bit different from how they were supposed to be 'then.' For instance, the hairstyles were "back to the '70s look" in a way. Women had longish hair; most with the old "surfer bangs" look, or they may have been called "angel wings". 'This' was definitely NOT a look happening in the "Big Hair" days of the '80s! I can't recall the men's hair styles too well, but i believe they were primarily short; above the collar anyway. The type of clothing was not anything too futuristic looking; mostly casual... but the thing that struck me the strangest was that on all the men's 'polo type shirts' there was a particular emblem!
Now, at that time, in 1980, 'Ocean Pacific' brand was very popular... with that 'lightning bolt emblem'. This, I was seeing, was like instead of those just mentioned emblems.... guys had, and I mean all of them, had these star-like, white-ish 'fire ball' emblems on their light-colored shirts! And what was also odd, was as we walked past the 'Ocean Pacific Store'... the clothes shown in the window, all had this emblem on them... (There were no lightning bolts that I can recall seeing).
Another unusual element of 'this' "vision" was that all the stores had a 'theme' similar to this... and it was extra strange that a type of 'glow' - just bright, light, like being out in the sun - was surrounding the entire area of where I was in this indoor mall. The stores and walk-ways seemed to all be filled with this warm, loving, comforting, "bright or glowing light"! Like it was the highlight of the mall! Not the people or fashions, or anything you could materially buy there! It was as if, that's why you were there; for the light!
Because, too, there didn't seem to be, as I can recall, any "exchange" of money... I didn't even see a single credit card pulled out . . . and NO, I didn't see people get their heads or hands "Scanned!!!" (Thank God!) It was magical, to say the least! Everyone seemed so happy - and 'everyone' seemed to be "wealthy!"St.Clair: There you go, you connected with the invisible world and made it visible to you, and this is like stepping indeed through a mirror into a mirage, and it is possible in my opinion that these realities coexist in actual reality; they are not necessarily invented or envisioned only, or they will exist side by side very soon. There will be islands of light in the midst of everything else happening. It is well possible that you are able to reach through the dimension of the here and now into an Elven type reality that exists also in the here and now, but remains invisible to most other people. And when in a good state we can all do this and interact with that other realm and bring back guidance into this world.
It reminds me of "The Master of The Light" in my book who acts like an obsidian mirror, where everyone gets something from such visions -- usually they see themselves in it -- at which ever stage of development they want to project into. The astrologer will see aligments, the scientist will see formulas, the child will see toys, etc. The longer you leave the vision field open, the more it comes alive. It is like the mirror of Galadriel in
The Lord of The Rings, but in a day to day situation. Truth as we Pisceans perceive it is often a lot stranger than "fiction." This happens when you disconnect from thought and pay attention to the nothingness or that space inbetween thoughts, and you should do this more often, and then write your book about what you see in your mirror of reality.
People will see themselves in it. They will learn from it if they remain open to it. I think what happened is you saw beyond your aura, and you observed things in finest detail, probably due to the placement of Mercury at your birth. With the inner planets we create our own reality, whereas the outer planets form the frame work of our overall reality. By mirroring the stars we are able to reach into the ephemeral reality. That is what you did. And I think you will be doing more of this when Neptune passes your Aquarian birth planets while Uranus passes your Pisces natal positions. At that time I see you bringing out your own book about these matters... it could be a book that speaks to children about all this...

T.A.P.: I'm so glad I told you about my episode of "parallel realities" St.Clair. This has helped clarify a lot of thoughts I had about it. This is funny; you granted me your very first interview after the publication of your book, and my story that I have concealed for many years now, was exclusively told to you; in part, for the first time. You definitely are very intuitive... I have been planning a children's book for some time now; although a fictional concept, but nonetheless, a bit 'out there.'
I'm proud to possess a near exact Mercury placement as Oprah Winfrey -- one of my most adored worldly persons. She has been one of my favorite role models, though, I've often wondered why she hasn't had more 'metaphysical' type speakers on her program.... although, now I understand more; due to what you just explained about "programs."
Oh, I just had a thought! What a difference in this world 'Krishnamurti,' one of your role models, could have made had he have been on a televised show such as Oprah Winfrey's! In your book - although it points beyond him - you mention Krishnamurti frequently. Did studying his extra vast body of work influence you in some way? What do you think is the one essential thing his teachings brought to you personally, as a man, and as an astrologer?St.Clair: The one essential thing? That when I face the self, the "I", I am free, I can cross that bridge and leave all the illusions behind, forever. All states of mind are illusions after all, it is only thought, not the thing. I am free of spiritual crutches and stand outside the patterns of the escape hatches of the self. It is a bit complex, but in a sound bite that is it, for me anyway. Let me explain this a bit.
The invisible world, the Guidance network of the light beings, Krishnamurti and the Egyptians all taught me, and as you know I explain in the book this is what
The Master of The Light also showed me, which is to take the most difficult path, and never to take the easy path.
That "difficult path" is through my, your, own self. I was taught that free will is what it is, and if we make "mis-takes" or use free will wrongly -- it can harm us. So be it, has happened to me too, nobody is perfect. But it is our free will to make whatever decisions we make. So
The Master of The Light in
Zen of Stars, and Krishnamurti say: Be responsible for your actions. One is asked to use free will - and to decide to work with it - "intelligently." However, I am the one who has to decide. Thats the message: You decide, we decide, I decide. Just as I had to decide to go to America, to write the book, to study astrology, to be who I am... Yes, free will is dangerous. We can destroy ourselves with it. And I am the one who decides, rightly or wrongly. That is the fact, and we have to stay with THAT fact, and take it from there.
But when someone says: "Something outside caused me to do such and such," then the problem is seemingly outside, and we tell ourselves that we are powerless or worse, we are victims. But we are not. Krishnamurti says, no! The "problem" or the root is inside and therefore we ARE very powerful and we CAN change the outcome. That is what the mind controllers want to take away, our power. But to have it, to keep it and to use it, is potentially dangerous, as well as extremely interesting. It makes us what we are. Trans-human souls. I would not want it any other way. Neither would you. No one sane will relinquish his or her free will. That, to me, is the essential Krishnamurti: To be free from the known, and to use the first and last freedom.
This is why I think it is a titanic battle of "free" wills between the white and black magicians. We the white ones use free will, so do the black ones wherever they are. The Tibetan sorcerers from the notorious "council of nine" and their 4th dimensional or trapped alien entities are no different, it is their free will to try to rule the world, and it is our free will to stop them from doing so. I am sure that "God" and the ancient departed gods must have great fun watching the show meanwhile from whatever dimension they are watching. I expect them though to interact more and watch less... will they ever come back here? Not too sure. I think it is our play pen now here, we inherited this planet, we the meek..
OK - Back to Krishnamurti and his influence over time and space on me... Yes well, it would be hard not to be influenced or at least prompted to think on your own and in new ways, as an astrologer, after being immersed for years in the writings of the teacher of the world. He was a very simple and also the most extra-ordinary man that lived, but I never met him in person, and I was advised by some who did study with him while finishing my work. He taught we must not build systems, and so, in a way, I deconstructed astrology, and brought it down to the levels where people can make it their own star science; that was my contribution to the supreme art... and I feel he came from a very advanced race of star beings, and only few times in human history are we graced with such an amazing presence.
I think he wanted all of us to go beyond him, and to implement what he suggested in our own ways. He made it clear that we would not organize or re-organize the truth, because the truth is never the known - it is always new. All I contributed with my book is a different way in how to approach the timeless time we are about to enter. I talk about alteration of time lines, time travel, things of that nature. I have my own interests, some of which I understand now in hindsight were also his.
There are others like (or similar to) him, Thich Nhat Hanh, Teilhard de Chardin, and the WingMakers. I studied them all, as well as Jacques Vallée and many others. But personally, to me, I like the unforgiving logic of Krishnamurti. He did not put up with falsehoods and half-measures. No wonder, he had Uranus in the mid-heaven at birth, and in Scorpio. Applying Krishnamurti sounds easy, because it is actually simple to understand when you get right down to it. Yet, it is not a piece of cake to implement. But we are free to decide. I know that a serious astrology that respects itself, or a science of the future worth its scope, cannot get around the concepts that David Bohm, Krishnamurti or I address.
It was my pleasure to re-introduce Krishnamurti one more time - in the context I chose - to the younger people coming after us, the generation of you and me - those born with Pluto in Virgo. I think the ones with Pluto in Sagittarius, like your own children, will understand him, as he was at least a hundred years ahead of his time. I try to work just into "real" time. His ideas and observations will remain timeless throughout. I just wish people would do what he suggested, or at least try. That time has come. He always said the future is now. Thanks for mentioning him in this interview...
T.A.P.: Well what do the stars indicate for the world, for the book, and for you to do next, oh and when was the "birth date" of your book?St.Clair: Well we have reached now the ending of time, and with it the limits of thought. Thought is time. Remember! Now we enter the limitless seeing...
Zen of Stars went into technical production during the seer eclipse of March and came out on May 11th, 2006, in the Scorpio or Buddha full moon, with Pluto close to the Galactic Center.

That was also the day -- 11 May -- when the "mirages" or time portals were photographed in the Shandong province of China, and seen world-wide, I posted about it at The Remote Viewer, which I take as a most significant omen... and on that same day I saw a majestic blue heron sitting on a buoy in lake Geneva, next to my old castle time portal, and below him, next to my feet, hundreds of fishes, actually thousands really, and big ones too... a multiple reality sign indeed: The tall blue heron with his silvery head was out of reach, and at peace. He had everything he needed. I found that very interesting, a discreet sign of inflation and magnificence; that heron seemed to say: "See me? I could not care less... see you later... be well!" He kind of looked at me holding the book and well, he just was, he is... what does he care?
The project - this book - was hidden from start to finish, moving through several layers of reality, shapeshifting over many years into what it is... and it will take its allotted "time" for the time capsule to be revealed to those who are guided to it.
Morning of the Magicians took four years. Krishnamurti maybe more maybe less, I dont know. We are now in accelerated time. The rule is to give 13 moon phases after a key event, so let us see by mid 2007 with Jupiter in Sagittarius square Uranus in Pisces what funny things come up... :-)
As to what I do next meanwhile? I am looking at options. Too many really. Trying not to get bored, but not to get stressed out either. Staying alive... mirroring the stars - a creative break maybe? What would you suggest, now that you will be "the next astrologer in line"... you are the one who has Uranus by birth opposing Mars and Jupiter, what a tremendous alignment for a brand new style of astrology...
T.A.P.: "The next in line".... I would have to possess at least half the expertise you have... You definitely have earned a break! Though with Pluto and Jupiter on your ascendant and on the galactic center soon, and Uranus moving on to your birth Mercury... wow, that is once in a life time... no, once in a millennium... will you honestly be able to retire?! I don't know, what do you think; I see a role in 'leadership' for you around the corner... ?St.Clair: You possess the gift, that is all you ever need. Very few have it, you do. It is an art, as you know, a high art. Publishing the book has put me in touch with new friends, people who were apparently waiting for this book. I am interested in trying out a new medium, a new message. I have researched, written about and practiced all this for twenty years. I am done with it, and I would like to see the things I talked about to sink in.
I want to move on and get beyond it - and do something else meanwhile. With the Neptunian alignments coming... I think I will like to approach the 7th Art, the making of a film, video documentary for the internet; something like that, we shall see... Some unusual people with unsually Uranian ideas contacted me after
Zen of Stars came out now, so something new is in the works in the Cosmic game plan... I am confident that capable people will have interesting meetings of the mind, and we have all the time in the world.
T.A.P.: Thank you so very much, St.Clair, for this most absolutely fascinating and mind altering presentation. You are an amazing human being -- "star being"! I'm sure people all around the world will enjoy reading and learning from Zen of Stars as much as I have. It is a book one can visit again and again to gain greater insights of previously unknown paradigms. I am so truly honored to have this pleasure of interviewing you. Be well and be at peace, my friend...
St.Clair: It is you that is my friend, you know. Thank you Lady... and stay in touch, maybe we do this again some time to see how things have progressed...
Interview with St.Clair - by Teresa Ann Papac
California, September 7th, 2006
Exclusive for "The Remote Viewer"
- This interview may only be copied in full -
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The Remote Viewer, St.Clair & T.A. Papac
Zen of Stars - order your copy: