of a real story
of a real story
This week I was looking at the sky, seeing stars - "professionally."

When you look at a star in the sky, you do not have to know its name. You just see and behold it. I was thinking that really in order to see the star you had to touch it, experience it, minus the concept that it was a star, not know it so much as such. Naming it would only put a word inbetween you and the star. A veil of sorts instead of building a relationship with "it." Antares, Aldebaran, whatever, is not SEEING the star but thinking about it by naming and comparing it. The beauty of it is itself and you -- not the comparing and numbering and tracking and naming. And so seeing the sky became an action without thought of its own...
Seeing then is its own action, surely
The other evening, a client and I were looking at the sky with intent. Now granted as an astrologer I am supposed to know the sky and "its" stars. So I was just looking, seeing, while people were chatting close by. All of a sudden a light lit up due west. I smiled. I pointed it out to my friends. They saw it too. It was there on command by my mind. It was not a star, I knew that because where I was looking there would be no star. It was not a planet either. They had set already after sunset. It was not an airplane either. It stood still for a long time. Time, yes, or no time, that was the question, as my Chillon Castle -- the time portal -- was close by too, and there was time enough to see it, to look at it, and to "think" about it. The observer and the observed. The castle, the lake, the night, and the mysterious bright light in the sky...

Anyway, without going into what this light was or what it was not, I was sensing that maybe the thing was seeing us too. The observer now was the observed, and I found that very funny because it reminded me of Krishnamurti and his views on consciousness. And all of this happened after I had explained what the shift of dimensions would be about and how we would eventually "get it" and live with it. I thought I can share this impression while Moon and Uranus are trine Venus. The word aka the "name" of the star you will name will never help you to touch the star, because the naming of the star which is astronomical knowledge has conditioned some of us so heavily that the name has become between us and actually seeing what we see, and that is a thing we could think about...
... not to name things instead of just S E E I N G them just for the sake of seeing them. It then dawned on me that the one who sees it and that which he sees are actually not separate once we can drop the conditioning of our minds and pretend we are new each moment. The light that was watching me and my lake that night made that impression clear to me that night. It was not the first time that this mysterious light lit up when I thought of it in that very spot - due West... where the Nordic Blond ETs told me to look for the star -
Peace - St.Clair
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