Double Magnetic Heart Vortex
Coming and going from this other dynamic realm (the quantum field of the soul), I begin to understand that there is no death. As you merge and re-emerge you begin to understand things in completely new ways. It is as though you are manifesting the power to see this world from "there." Which is partly the Alchemy of your own "hold grail."
Some researchers are suggesting that The Duat - of the Egyptian Pharaohs - is an actual location in cosmos, that the Atlanteans were mapping the skies. Well, they came from those locations. They interacted with those locations. Now it came to me that the pyramids in Egypt are reading the planetary movements, and when a certain alignment comes something will happen, and most probably beings will return.
The problem in understanding this is that we are not interfacing with ETs. The reality is something else. The Celts called them Elves, the modern world calls them ETs. Okay, beings from other worlds do exist, but if they are advanced they are trying to learn what these other guys know. There are levels of reality and there are levels of reality.
Take the heart. You have a heart. You have been living with it since your birth. It has been beating since then. The heart is inside you. It is real, physical, it exists, you know it is there. But do you understand it? Without understanding, which is direct perception, your heart is as far way from you as the beings of the Duat.
I could never relate to this mechanical concept that the heart is a physical pumping machine... But I could not directly perceive what the heart is. You look at it this way and you look at it that way, and the reality eludes you. But this coming and going, between myself and The Duat, is creating its own perception. To allow this to take place, one of the first things I accepted (allowed), is the understanding that I fall asleep and cease to exist, when I awaken I am not the person who fell asleep. So, sleep is death. I awaken and I am reborn. It is not the word.
As I come and go there is not psychological entity who is continuing as me, a singular identity, but there is something flowing into the body. It's like a river. And this force can only enter when the self is not. Now if you do this and the flow of water moves through your existence, the ability is instantly transmitted into the consciousness of all mankind. Some will pick up on it. It's an inner decision. Those threatened by it will build an even higher ME. E G O -- Energy Going Out . . . Which is the disorder you are seeing all around you.
I was falling asleep and listening to the heart. All of a sudden there was a perception of a magnetic flow, not a physical flow. I suddenly saw that our bodies are free flow magnetic holographs, and the heart is distributing magnetic flow, magnetic current. The blood, the organs, the brain, everything is distributing magnetic flow. That is how it is all functioning. So, if you look at the heartbeat as being physical you are not going to see this - what is really taking place.
Buddha, Apollonius, Christ, whoever, these sages all understood this. They were operating with the basic magnetic field, the force behind all that is. The problem is that the knowing was hidden in an attempt to preserve it, as we entered the dark ages - which we are in until today. Groups tried to preserve the knowing by putting it into the form of methods, systems, and it cannot be done through a system. You cannot reach this through a system or a method.

In some way the source is utter chaos. It is formless. It is not ruled by the passing of the ages, the movement of cosmos, the turning of the suns. You interact with that force as it is, which means you become formless. Fear (thought) comes in when the ego does not want to dissolve or come to an end. Thought steps in and builds a psychological wall against chaos. But we are born from chaos and we return to chaos. It is our natural state.
Chaos is the state through which healing takes place. If I cut myself chaos is necessary for the healing of the cut. This is where the regenration manifests as non material magnetic field, and this is the field that tells the body how to put the cut back together again. The blood and the skin are reorganising out of the element of chaos. Otherwise X and Y would not come together.
You create children out of chaos. X man and Y woman (I hope thats right?) come together as distinct forms. One of the reason people get caught in the attraction of sex is because they are attraced to the primal form of chaos. Behind little X and little Y is primal force, and that primal force is all that is. We are that. It attracts us. It gives us form, and it holds us, draws us. That is the core function of your heart. Out of chaos a child is born, or a new invention, or a new concept, or a new design, anything...
Now you can read the book . . .
Zen of Stars