Tales from the space-time portal:
First Contact -
- of Seers & Sages
Future Astrology ...

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29 March 2006 - Aries degree 9, Sabian symbol of the sage gazing into his her crystal ball, and into a timeless world. Day of a most powerful total solar eclipse, with Zen of Stars published worldwide.
"ARIES 9 -- A CRYSTAL GAZER -- This is a symbol of man`s capacity for bringing an entire universe within the purview of his mind. There are higher faculties of human understanding, but as no more than the illimitable possibilities of personal experience in the realms of potentiality. Implicit is the concept of of the world and the individual as irrevocably in partnership, each reflecting the other and thereby providing a foreview of every possible mood or situation. The keyword is ACUTENESS. When positive, the degree is consummate insight in planning the course of events or organizing them in the light of immediate convenience, and when negative, an idle curiosity and the surrender of all reality to the vagaries of the moment."
Future Astrology ...

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29 March 2006 - Aries degree 9, Sabian symbol of the sage gazing into his her crystal ball, and into a timeless world. Day of a most powerful total solar eclipse, with Zen of Stars published worldwide.
"ARIES 9 -- A CRYSTAL GAZER -- This is a symbol of man`s capacity for bringing an entire universe within the purview of his mind. There are higher faculties of human understanding, but as no more than the illimitable possibilities of personal experience in the realms of potentiality. Implicit is the concept of of the world and the individual as irrevocably in partnership, each reflecting the other and thereby providing a foreview of every possible mood or situation. The keyword is ACUTENESS. When positive, the degree is consummate insight in planning the course of events or organizing them in the light of immediate convenience, and when negative, an idle curiosity and the surrender of all reality to the vagaries of the moment."
Krishnamurti once asked:
"Is it possible to conceive action without thought?"